
who is based on guy from New Jersey, written and portrayed by a guy from New York. 

He looks like the first person to be eaten in a Jurassic Park movie 

Honestly, this is probably the only headline that would actually get me to click on an A’s blog.

it’s a variant of short form writing in which the author offers their particular “take” on a given subject related to the theme of their blog.

Pro-Tip: If you want to increase traffic, don’t call it an Oakland Athletics blog. Say it’s a very early blog about the 2022 Yankees.

The A’s home whites are one of the nicest uniforms in baseball.

Only one more day until Florida/Miami, and we’ll all forget baseball exists

Next up: Philadelphia Eagles.

I wonder how well the Seattle Cobains could run a shotgun formation

I think that would be a fine strategy, but none of those dudes are remotely capable as rim protectors in 2019. Certainly none of them can match Davis in that category. Few can!

I usually go with menudo.  My friend uses spicy lamb cumin soup from Xian’s Famous Foods, which I think is just plain crazy.  Mmmmmm, Xian’s Famous Foods. 

I can’t be the only one who’s reached the point of gives-no-fucks that I start helicoptering my junk behind Facetime guy, right? 

Like, do you think they even showed Ferrigno actual professional baseball players holding the bat?  Or were they just; here you go big man, hold this big stick and stand still? 

The “thumbs up” emoji used to be my default “Ok, see you there” response, but I’ve recently levelled up to the “sign of the horns” to let all my pals know that I’m superfuckingpsyched for a night of BREWSKIS and BALL-TALK so “LETTT’SSSS GOOOOOOO” 🤘

Recently I have noticed a lot of people responding to text messages using the “Thumbs Up” emoji. Every time I receive this as a response to a text message it makes me furious.

Thanks to the many “enlightened” fast food menus here in NYC screaming caloric information at me, I know a cheeseburger, milkshake and fries at Shake Shack nets me 1,500 calories. How many times could I do that in an hour? I’m willing to find out.

If I came home and found my ex-gfs sitting around drinking MY tea and my wife and daughter are missing, I’d probably first ask them what gives them the right to just take MY TEA.  You couldn’t ask first?  You knew that was the tea that I bought for myself for when I get stressed out, but you just went ahead and took

I’ve never been to a Ravens game, but I’ve been to see the Orioles a couple of times vs. the Rays with my Rays fan friend who was in full Evan Longoria kit both times, and I have to say that all the O’s fans we encountered at the park and in the bars were great. They bought us beers, were really into the games and

From what I gather, Dundalk is Baltimore’s Staten Island?