

Surprised Philadelphia isn’t on there.

Freddie Kitchens’ moob-sweat in that top picture looks like a Rorschach test, and all I can see is debilitating failure. The Browns’ off-season is the most compelling thing about Cleveland in the last 30 years, and that’s the most damning thing I can possibly say about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Baker Mayfield is

I’m still mad at Hue Jackson for not going for 2 after they scored a TD and were up 7 with 4 minutes to go against the Raiders in Week 4.

ODB will fail get trapped in the bathroom of a five-star hotel suite and starvedto death.

I had an almost in there! Now I look like even more of an idiot than I do for being a Browns fan...

They edited my email and took out the *almost*

Oh yeah. Hurt me.

> When you live in Cleveland, false hope is about the best you’re gonna get.

When my friend went to Atlantic City last weekend I had him put $100 on the Browns to win the AFC Championship game. Not the Super Bowl. I’m from Ohio, I learned to temper my expectations early.

“Bucket got nacho cheese ALL OVER the fan in front of us’ jacket. Not wanting to admit his fault, Bucket waited until the next play worthy of celebration and jumped onto the fan’s back, hands full of napkins to clean up the cheese.”

I think “Chad” might also be “Bucket”.

Cleveland fans have been so deluded by a single Cavs title — the result of a once-in-a-generation level hometown talent committing an act of charity that would have made Jesus blush — that the Browns trying to replicate that model. But the moral they took from the story wasn’t finding a “once-in-a-generation level

We had our third non-losing season in 20 years, added a couple offensive pieces, and now our idiot fans thinks the Browns are going to the fucking Super Bowl.

How many wins would the Browns have to have by October for LeBron to start bandwagoning them?  I’d put the number around 4, myself.

Or maybe the wealthy professional football team he plays for could figure out a way to get its hands on one for him.

My bet:  a cheap camera, cheap laptop, cheap necklace, and a bag full of $500,000. 

Im proud to have been blocked by Ed Werder. 

I went to HS with his daughter, she was rude. My best friend lived next to them as well and he was a very much get off my lawn type of guy. I remember when, in 2001, he used the “do you know who I am?” to a bunch of 16-18 y/os when were playing touch football in the street and the football contacted his brick mailbox.