
Before I read the article, my first thought was “New! Lakers” with the “New!” just being a sewn on silver sash to existing Lakers jerseys, in the style of New Coke.

It was revolving so fast that it SEEMED flat.

Okay but does Gary have Trevor Bauer takes?

You never watched Baseball Tonight.

“May Orchard Park slide into Lake Ontario.”

I love the guy in foreground at left who mostly seems to be thinking this is gonna be great. 

did anyone get superpowers?

In China, the wave rides you.

I say that to my wife every night, but she never agrees.

Design meeting:

What should the failure mode be for the wave generator?”
“Nothing, it should just die quietly and stop functioning.”
“We could do that. Or.. and hear me out on this one...”

They also bring joy to people rather than despair.

I was in Buffalo for work last year and heard a guy in the bar say “Corey Coleman is the missing piece.” Corey Coleman was cut the next day.

Go to fucking hell and get the fuck out of our column, you cheating piece of shit!! (yes, I am published above)

In 2014 Bills fans were terrified of how Donald Trump would just be a rich through inheritance douche that would just tear apart their great public institution and sell the scraps to the highest bidder if he bought the Bills.

maybe it’s because I’m a fellow Lions fan, but this is the best Kinja post I’ve ever read. 

I’m a Lions fan living in NW PA. I took my family (including my 12 year old daughter) to the Lions/Bills game last year. Within 150ft of where we parked the car, she saw 2 keg stands and a drunken woman writhing in the mud. My wife gave me a furious look and all I could do was shrug my shoulders and mumble “Bills

I ate three slices of pizza and drank a sugar-free Red Bull. I nearly threw up twice during the game, but I got shots up and hit six threes.

Don’t blame the drunk golfer. Blame Gary in 23C for yelling “GET IN THE HOLE!!” for four hours.

Every time this ongoing thread pops up I can’t help seeing in my mind: