
“Wow, what a psycho.Max Scherzer, at home eating a live rabbit

When I was in 5th grade I got picked on alot, or maybe just felt like an outcast, but I had one really cool friend (still is to this day), and he was like a lifeline. This was english class, so we had to write a story and I was reading lots of fables, fantasy, that sort of thing so just kinda doodled in a story of the

Ahem:’ll come to you

Fuckin’ Gary, man

Tarp’eh diem.

Newly minted Public Editor of Deadspin Gary? 

The Ryan connection makes all the sense of the world. Watching Verlander now feels what it must have been like to watch Nolan in Houston in the 80s in his late 30s. Just a genetic freak (sorry, Scott) who seems like his arm is not gonna fall off, small window of arm problems a few years ago aside.

aka Horny Gary No Love

One day, when you find out Gary is the last man in America named Gary, you’ll wish you were nicer to him. It’s the kind of thing that keeps you awake at 3am.

Never thought I’d see a pro-gun take on Deadspin.

I haven’t heard such great things about Gary...

George Gun. Absolutely.

Pope Thrower for Public Editor

Since he's done with the Lions, can we get Zodiac Motherfucker out of retirement for this?

How the fuck am I not on this list

Ask jeffvanhungry if Gary can do it.

i accept

Yep, avatar checks out.

like when you try to give your cousin grief over video games to make him feel normal while he slowly dies of leukemia