
Throw the ball

The context of those seven words, which should never be uttered in that order, is even better.

I’m not a doctor, but anyone in the front office should be able to remove it.

I think another part of it is that there are a lot of celebrities that aren’t THAT rich. If you’re an actor living in the LA area and you have a net worth of $1 million, you’re still very well off but not so rich and job-secure that you’re going to pay someone else to take care of the menial tasks that aren’t that bad

The Jags are one of those teams that don't need the "Why?" This article should just be called "Your Team Sucks: The Jaguars" and that would be sufficient for content as well. 

corner office, my ass.

It would be a real shame if Gary were to be working late and suddenly have an “accident” in his corner office that should rightly be yours. If you catch my drift.

When Gary asks,"who said I'm stupid". Everyone Gary, we all think you're stupid. 


It was Gary, everyone knows it's Gary. It's always Gary. Isn't that right, Jeff.

I bet it was jeffvanhungry’s colleague Gary.

Should make it easier, actually. You start talking about Gary only getting the job because he has dirt on his uncle. Continue with seeing Gary at the bar all the time sloppy drunk blabbing about his uncle. Then you just drop a half-drunk fifth of cheap vodka in his desk and tell HR you smell alcohol on Gary’s breath.

Fuck this team and fuck me for liking this team. I went numb about two week ago in the mall seeing Odell shit on clearance. Fuck Gettleman with the kicking net Odell got into a fight with. Even after that I will watch these fuckers sadly each Sunday and just keep telling myself we aren’t as bad as the fucking Knicks.

How the hell does a tool like Gary get a corner office?

Well now, that’s just a weird and unfortunate auto correct

A-Rod just wanted someone else to eat the outside of the cake first, since he only prefers the centaur pieces.

You asked for trades!

Upon seeing this clip after the conclusion of their game with the Pirates, the Mets’s bullpen was surprised to learn that the ball could travel over the fence without first being thrown toward the plate.

Incidentally, this is exactly what I devolve to within 15 minutes of teeing it up at a driving range. 

That's NBA CHAMPION Jeremy Lin.