
Hes got the reflexes of a cat

I’ve only seen anecdotal evidence of this but I think the pain killer issue in the nfl is extremely common. I think—don’t know—that a lot of their doctors are basically crooks. 

That sucks man sorry you got fired but it sounds like literally any other job would be better for you

i think it’s an individual issue and not a league wide one because the union has made it that way. if the union cared about this enough relative to other issues, they would have made it league wide. That was my point.

I see this all the time on here and it amazes me how naive people are about how a players’ union, or any union really, actually works. They will pass on a case like this 10 times out of 10 for goodwill and leverage later on a much bigger issue. Unions don’t care about individuals unless they are like LeBron James.

Clear and convincing evidence that this is horse shit: LeBron gets shorter in shoes?

The top photo looks exactly like how you get the remote out of your nephews hand.


And indisputably has the greatest in game dunk of all time

This is excellent 

It’s an escape from reality on Sunday and Monday for several million people. Whether it’s good or not, I have no specific opinion. But that’s the answer. Some people read; some people do the crossword; some people dress up like ancient knights and fight with plastic swords while hopped up on Sudafed and ambien. It’s

Sleeper ROY, at the very least. He’s got Klays height, stephs touch, lebrons vision, and the monstars grit. Love what I see from the kid. Hustle, moxie, super small wingspan, the sky is the limit.

As a Miami heat fan I absolutely reserve the right to be wildly over confident in this young man and what he and jimmy buckets can do to secure us a sixth seed in the playoffs and a first round exit at the hands of, I don’t know, the Toronto Raptors.


I’m a dolphins fan. You know that dreaded feeling, right about now, when you realize you have to go to work really early tomorrow, and it is going to suck? I have it twice a weekend now.

yuo stay away from my sister

The wretched warriors are no longer the nbas best and most famous team and I will NOT let you take that away from me.

Makes you think

1s and 2s. Kerr has a bad back 

I’m going to stay out of the politics for this and just say I desperately want to see the three of them settle this with a game of 21, duel style. My money would be on pop.