
I knew kobe was popular in China, but lord look at all that Jordan gear. I don’t think you’d see that much in a sports authority or dicks outside even Chicago.

Yea it’s actually nuts. If you bring that stat out among most casual basketball fans it’s a really easy way to win a round of drinks on a bet

Where I’m from that’s just called teaching the nephew to keep his hands up on defense

You ok bud?

Can’t wait to see Aaron Rogers back under center. So much talent, shame to see him have to sit out this impossible whopper commercial 

Personally I love it when he punts the butter. Put it way up in the sky young fella

of course they waited to do this until right after the Jonas brothers got back together. They thought we wouldn’t even notice. Shameful really.

In South Beach they call that Getting In The Door


Looks like ol mort got caught drinking in the middle of the day again.

Absolutely not. The average baseball fan can’t throw a strike on the first pitch, let alone throw it in from right field to save a game during live play.

I’ve never been mad in the coaching booth. Got to keep your calm.

It’s the spies. They’re sending all sorts of offending things out across the World Wide Web and radio signals these days. We need to get some answers. 

Maybe they should slow down a little bit !

This is delightful.

Corn Pops, a beer, a super soaker, and the cat. I’ll bet that against anything 

I don’t want to run afoul of these tampering rules so I’m afraid you’ll have to address questions of these types to my attorney 

Milwaukee is actually a grossly underrated city. I was there for four days a year ago for the first time and it was dope. Brewers games in particular were more fun than other stadiums I’ve been to, the nightlife was very fun in a chill way, and the food was exceptional (not just sausages).

This is almost as bad as when I had my pooch embalmed and mounted in my den and the plaque read Mr Bojankles but there’s nothing a sharpie can’t fix

say what