He throws them away after one hit?! What a waste. There are sleepy children in China. Finish your plate Adam
He throws them away after one hit?! What a waste. There are sleepy children in China. Finish your plate Adam
Orange, I’m sorry to have to break this to you
oh ok I get it now.
i know you are but what am i
i don’t get the joke
It’s the second biggest country in the world by population, steeped in tradition and with wonderful culinary creations. What’s wrong with celebrating that?
Lookin like he was two minutes late for the free hotel breakfast and they already packed it up
I’ve gone the other way. I sleep 13 hours a night and I’m in the office max 3.5 hours a day. Two naps in the afternoon. I’m crushing it—average performance reviews two times running, honorary mention for best lunch co-host for recruits.
My god I hadn’t even considered next years draft and now I’m even more depressed.
I’m a fellow Dolphins fan. Kind of similar to your situation, I’ve been in Seattle the last three years and have sort of adopted the Seahawks as my “second team.” I’d rather have the saints and that missed penalty any day.
alrighty then
That’s why you use two hands. I have no sympathy.
I could definitely get down with Rodgers, Fitzgerald, and Moss, Heatles/Warriors style.
To tell you, I’m sorry, for the things that I’ve done, BUT you, never seem to be home
Seems like this could have been a good role for world champion Jeremy Lin.
Was that 98?
you again...
Chris, it makes sense. You don’t need dissension in that organization or any other for that matter. If there’s an anonymous leak, fire everyone. Beckham, gone. Mayfield, bye bye. Joey selling hot dogs in 44a, he’s done. Set the stadium on fire.
I remember 1998 for:
He needs to start wearing sandals on the beach. He’s an adult now.