
it made me think that the idea of “racism” in Russia must include truly horrible things. like maybe in Russia that isn’t “racist” because they arent killing anybody or something

dude, ouch 

it depends on several things: where you are in your current contract, years of service, accolades like all nba, how many cups of coffee you can drink without murdering someone, how many times you’ve driven the autobahn, if you can parallel park downtown in Seattle, how long you can hold your breath, it’s all right

Listen chuck, I think it’s only fair that you die by a drone strike. Where are you? Are you a frenchie?

Every American basketball fan since 2008, jackass

The Olympics, and he scored a lot in the NBA (a whole lot). Fair or not, that’s your answer. I agree with the blog that he’s irrelevant now, for many reasons, chief among them that he’s refused to evolve, but he was real real good for team USA and put up a lot of points in the league

I would ask him but unfortunately we will never know. Gary passed away last night from blunt force trauma to the head after a heated dispute over a parking spot at Applebee’s 

I too experience a special kind of fire after a few days of Skyline

He looks like Gary from work leaving the weekly poker game, right before we jump him 

I haven’t been to Atlanta since the war of northern aggression and I’m not sure I can go back 

my name isn’t really Jeff but this was a cool story and I can get behind it

Personally I’d rather watch a movie about a fictional incompetent coworker fumbling his way through everything. I’m working on the script. I just need a name for him...

*therapist voice*


Coincidentally, “strikeout machine” is what we all call Gary from work when we are out for drinks

that narc would be perfect for this 

Bill Simmons

that escalated quickly

This is one of my favorite offseason activities too. We work really hard during the season, letting loose is good for mental health 

I really don’t understand the problem. Is a pitcher not expected to throw? Let him chuck it.