
I don’t disagree with anything you said. My point is simply that I believe this has gone beyond reporting—we all know they are not great guys—and seeped into something more. I’ve been in plenty of character disputes. This is that. Fair reporting or not, it would be very difficult to convince me now that this is

Perhaps I have made a mistake. I’m pretty happy with it though.

You should get one. It’s kind of fun. But it bleeds a whole lot if you drink like a fish before and after.

So propose something productive my man rather than just railing at me online

I agree with you in principle and practice what you preach, but in this day and age, things are so polarized that it won’t end.

I think after a drink or two everyone involved would admit it’s personal. I don’t read barstool either because like the writers here I have a different view of the world than the guys at barstool, but if you click on some of her links up there, you’ll see it’s pretty bad.

I am very much enjoying the thought of when Ricky first experienced those firecrackers with no warning and ducked for cover fearing for his life

I have noticed. I’m working on my people skills.

If I receive an email or an SMS message about the state of the train, even if I’ve wagered on when I may be into work (odds vary wildly), I only say something if I have something nice to say. None of these f words or n words or anything like that. It’s just being decent

I’d like to see him go side pocket and sign somewhere like Memphis or New Orleans. Why? Because it feels good.

His language is offensive

Buddy, that’s what they all say

Alternatively, you could man up and test your mettle. 

language please 

Perhaps mr paparazzi there has learned a lesson in personal space

No. That’s why the only time LeBron has not seen a coaching change was in Miami. They gave him a lot of latitude for sure, but this business about Paul being on planes and stuff was summarily smothered immediately by pat riley. There’s an Espn story I can’t find on my phone right now but riley apparently literally

They never found that airplane

My friend, you have no hope. Just ride it as long as you can.

fuck yea I’ve got one at a Red Robin right now

The raptors have Kawhi. So, warriors in five.