
I didn't forget to sign out, I've always commented honestly and as myself. If you are going to come after one of my hosts and friends, I'm going to defend them. Your comment wasn't as benign as you are making it out. Here is exactly what you said, "June - she's cute and funny, but seems kind of dim." I never claimed


Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Where to begin?!

I love their chemistry.

Earwolf has produced 36 shows and only one was canceled. And that was after 52 eps. I don't think it's reasonable to be worried that we are going to abandon a bunch of shows, it's not consistent with our demonstrated behavior.

Great! Thanks for asking, Larry.

No problem!

I didn't leave to become CEO of Midroll Media, Adam Sachs is CEO. He oversees Midroll, Earwolf and now Wolfpop. I'm called a non-executive Chairman. I spend a day a month with Adam, but otherwise am not involved almost at all. I'm taking care of my daughter most of the time now.

Thanks for the compelling personal insight. Between your obvious experience being pregnant and your intimate, personal interactions with June - your opinion of her personality carries a ton of weight. Thank you for your contribution to the conversation. Personally, I find her to be extremely talented as a podcaster,

I really enjoyed reading the comments.  I have a lot to say, unfortunately my 4 day old daughter has other ideas so I think I have to sit this one out.  I will say this - keep fighting the good fight.  Writing about, talking about, arguing about…but most importantly making and listening to podcasts is all that really

Love or hate the AV Club reviews and rankings, I think we can all agree that they are doing yeoman's work in helping raise awareness for podcasting in general.  And as I like say, all ships rise in a high tide.  So thanks to all the Earwolf listeners and to AV Club for a great year!