Admiral SnackBar

Charlie's death on LOST didn't devastate me near as much as most of the characters' reaction to it in the very next episode. It just kinda felt like they didn't properly mourn for him. I think that was one of my biggest issues with LOST — real character interaction. It wasn't the seemingly constant red herrings, the

I think that was just Colbert being the class act that he is. He may be on the other side of the fence completely than his guest, but they are indeed his guest and he prefers his audience treat them as such.

I love the original JP, but man, every single time that T-Rex in the finale surprises, well, everyone by saving the day, it just makes me giggle. He just tiptoed in the front door and waited to make his move. CHOMP! Raptor lunch.

Yeah, I actually love the kids in the original film, but the addition of Malcolm's daughter just felt so shoehorned in to make sure this movie works on a McDonald's level with special 32oz Coke cup.

Please read the revisit of this film on Badass Digest's site.

The writer very conveniently left out the gymnastics routine vs raptor scene that really makes the film better than the original.

It's called "I'll Write This Theme Toooooooo".

More shows about lots of white friends! Yay!

You are not alone. I also will say to myself in my best Anthony Stewart Head impression, "Previously, on Buffy the Vampire Slayah".

Yeah, yeah. I know. I don't comment unless I've actually read something and sometimes I actually think other people do the same. I'm so naive at times.

If you gave up on Lost after season 2, why did you read a pretty long article about an episode from deep, deep into season 3 and then actually take the time to comment on it?