
Android 1.6, why would they do that? Maybe it should dual boot 1.6 and Windows 98.

@DJ Bushido: "Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps she will."

I am confused by the whole Verizon/SIM thing. Am I missing something?

@casperiv: Yes thank you. I was joking.

How do we know it sees color the human eye can not if we can't see it? Just because the camera says that doesn't make it true.

This sounds like a great product but there are two glaring weaknesses. The first is battery life and as I understand it the complete Android Market is not available? I am sure there are ways around this but it should be there out of the box.

@JakeWharton: Seems unlikely but I will submit it when it eventually happens.

Well if I get to pick one: tomorrow morning when I get to work IT brings me a 13" MB Pro to replace my aging Macbook.

Well if I get to pick one: tomorrow morning when I get to work IT brings me a 13" MB Pro to replace my aging Macbook.

As a happy subscriber of Netflix I say Bring It On! I often consider ponying up for Amazon Prime but figure I don't order from them quite often enough to make it worthwhile. If video streaming is bundled with it I am there.

@KamWrex: Agreed. When I look at it I think, "it looks like a bicycle with a motor," which is a motorcycle.

@Calrekabooki: Yeah that is what I thought too. Then I scrolled down and saw that at least two others had beat me to it as well.

Just add water?

The landing strip is my favorite look.

Watch, now she is going to start her own blog.

@Nick Manfre: It is the device in the center of the dashboard of my car that when coupled with a CD player makes a line in jack take up several hundred times the space it actually needs.

You were just using The Rain Song as an example for the article right? I mean it is Zeppelin so you knew the song.

@ThaMofo: If you had paid the $24 this wouldn't be happening.

@HTownTime: What are you talking about? I am having sex right now.

@mangonights: I think there is a pretty big leap in there to get from Blockbuster going out of business to the death of Suburbia.