
Is that a recording studio in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

@mrgibblechip: Yes but a video of Johnny Ives and Dieter Rams in a sword fight to the death would have been better.

@SLeepdepD: I use it on my HTPC. A wireless keyboard works fine but the computer is far enough away from the couch that the mouse works intermittently so I use RemoteDroid most of the time.

@headc4se: Yes, would you Super Glue original Star Wars actions figures to something?

Couldn't you fix this with a bumper case?

@Dartimous: Their are significant physical differences between our country and most of the other countries in the world. Compare our land mass and population densities to other countries. Overhauling our infrastructure will not be fast or inexpensive.

@ReberIsReber: You should probably utilize that bandwidth for an online English class.

@Red_Flag: I second that. I want this case far more than I want an iPad.

All thanks to the Zune.

@talkingstove: Maybe they would cheat with T Mobile because she is freaky and will do all the things A T & T says no to?

@J2M3: Due to the many different styles of clipless pedals bikes are often sold without pedals.

@blash: How do you really feel about it?

I say go with Hewlett-PalmpaQard.

I was not aware that Steve Jobs is the CEO of Motorola.

@octasquid: I think Hemingway knew something about writing and he believed in precision and brevity. Maybe Google Strunk and White.

@NaraVara: I don't see how that applies to Android as a whole. There are some great Android phones available. The Evo and the Incredible both come to mind. Not every Android phone is going to be a home run. I have always kind of thought that Moto Blur sucks. Personally I have no use for a physical keyboard so the