Jeff Rittenour

bah that was crap - had nothing to do with anything. Him and the other lawyer was all we needed.

I thought exactly the same thing.

This movie does get better with time (slightly). It has many laughs and peter McNichol is fucking hilarious but so many things wrong.
1. Not b&w
2. Steven Webber
3. It's faithfulness to the original story and other versions really puts it all over the map. The original film is too old to be in people's memories anymore

that ending sounds better but to be honest the way the re-did ED 1 and prequelized it too was FAN FUCKIN TASTIC. THAT could have been the sequel we were waiting for. It's a great idea. Without all the set-up stuff she wouldn't have to be his daughter anyways… but whatever. I thought the person who grabbed the book at

great to have the show back and this ep was great. A nice change up from the norm. And the bodies reveal was a nice addition.

RIP. He brought us many,many, many hours of joy. 98 yrs old. WOW. He was married to Carmen Carlson!? Awesome - never knew that. (WKRP)

break out your old Super Powers toys!!! lol

I thought he just grabbed it from the pizza delivery guy up the street (probably left him the money too) cuz he was too slow lol

March!? Awww man that's too far away. This show is GREAT. I think we're gonna be hard pressed to have a better JLA in movie form than on tv. This firestorm makes me feel like a kid again watching Super (Powers) Friends! I was giddy watching tonight's episode. With Ant-Man and Supergirl coming into this universe (and

hey someone thinks they're a pretty big star don't they?

the only thing that was really funny in this movie was the part where 'morgan freeman' smells the the housekeepers bowl movement. The scene of the bm itself was terrible but the way he had to "excuse himself" from the narration was hilarious! The pool cleaner party was funny too.