Amazon is pretty loosey-goosey when it comes to releasing episodes. I’ve noticed that a lot in the past that they’ll drop them as much as 24 hours early.
Amazon is pretty loosey-goosey when it comes to releasing episodes. I’ve noticed that a lot in the past that they’ll drop them as much as 24 hours early.
I was hoping for a Superman & Lois review so I could complain about the audio mix. I felt like I was going deaf and had to adjust the volume constantly to avoid waking my roommate.
Oh look, an actor responds to the hypothetical question of “Would you like to make more money playing ‘Character X’?” and they say “Yes”.
RIP - Wayward Sisters.
I used to be like all of you and hated Corden’s show, but since the pandemic started it’s been delightful, a highlight for me. So much anarchic fun.
Posting a repeat from a month ago as being from “Today” with one new entry is bullshit.
I was trying to decide if I should finish it now or watch Hawkeye. Thanks for making my mind up for me.
I watched about the first hour last night before sleep claimed me. There was a whole lotta navel gazing, annoyingly so. Did they really think everybody had forgotten what happened in the first three movies?
Cutting from the Global Warming Christmas Special right to the 30 Rock ice rink reminded me that rich people will always be able to afford cold stuff.
Ashlee Simpson! She don’t need no crew!
Bob’s Burgers fan favorite, Jimmy Pesto Sr.
Thirded. That “Girls night” scene in Kate’s apartment was SO much fun. I’ve watched it three times already.
No love for the new Grand Tour special? I for one will be happy to spend some holiday time with those three cranky bastards.
Mother/Android: “From A Producer of THE Batman” LOL.
Anyone else hoping to see Yelena interact with the Track Suit Mafia bros at some point? I think that would be some hilarious dueling Russian accents.
Same. Though I had to watch until the end of the credits to be sure it was who they said.
So the new episode of Hawkeye dropped super early the last two weeks but it’s still not up yet. If I were a suspicious person I would think this was a way to get me to keep checking Disney+ all night...
It actually is pretty decent, as I remember it. No kung-fu or car chases that I recall, though again it’s been a while since I watched it.
Amazon has a habit of dropping episodes early. Happened all the time with the last season of The Expanse.