You mean Hawk Girl? She used to be a barista? It’s so weird that she never mentioned that...
You mean Hawk Girl? She used to be a barista? It’s so weird that she never mentioned that...
You saw the trailers, too?!?
Your handle reminded me I can’t be the only one who was desperately hoping against hope for a Phil Coulson cameo.
I was hoping against hope for a Phil Coulson cameo.
Valentina is so obviously Hydra that she can’t possibly be.
Amazon REALLY wants me to watch this movie. The last box I got from them had it splashed all over the place.
Recent cord cutter here. I don’t regret it, but prepare yourself to see some of the same ads over and over again if you watch any of the broadcast streams.
And Neo himself notes that the Agents he fights at the beginning are upgrades.
Same. Everything from the stairway fight with the Merovingian’s goons to the end of the freeway chase is some of the best action ever put on screen, imo. But the CGI from the 100-Smith fight, especially the end, is just REALLY bad.
I did not watch Angel faithfully as I got sick of it during season 3, so I may have missed something
I know I’m being lazy but where can I watch this...
I have to say I’ve been loving Corden’s show for the past few weeks. The opening segments with the crew leave me in stiches often. I hated his show when it first started, I thought he laughed at his own jokes too much and I missed Ferguson but recently it’s been a highlight of my day. That said the product placement…
Wasn’t Quibi a union busting experiment? Screw those guys if the crews aren’t properly compensated
Maybe the same people behind “Don’t Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23"?
What does “Premier Access” mean? I assume I’m going to have to shell out more than just the regular D+ subscription price.
If SPN’s Andrew Dabb is showrunner I’m there.
I always thought Fraser would have made a great Superman.
I maintain that whole sequence from the stairway fight to the end of the freeway chase is some exceptional action.
“Gut punch” isn’t really the way I would put it. After playing the Butt Monkey all through Naked and Afraid he finally shows some canny competence AND GETS KILLED ANYWAY. I’m kinda hating this show right now.
I hated what this episode did to Dan’s character. Say what you want about Detective Douche, he never came off as such an incredibly gullible, clumsy moron before. Like, did he not wonder why no one questioned the fact that he came back from Mexico without his prisoner? Or his car?