
Came here to see if Stumptown would get any love.  People of Earth got the same “Renewed then un-renewed” treatment from TBS, which pissed me off.

I didn’t hate the Jasmine storyline as much as many people seemed to.  But it naturally led to them taking over WR&H and erasing Connor’s memories, which both paid of in FANTASTIC fashion in the latter portion of season five (which I think is my favorite season of both shows).

That would actually be a LOT more interesting.  Especially given that Captain Marvel never interacted with Loki.

I’m pretty sure I was full-on addicted to Angel as it aired by season three. And I agree with you wholeheartedly that as a whole it’s a better show than Buffy. That scene on the Wolfram and Hart rooftop where Wesley’s “father” threatens Fred and he shoots him without a moment of hesitation? *chef’s kiss* Perfection.

Jesus, Disney, you’re KILLING ME TODAY.

Seriously, between this and all the Disney content announced today

Was that Captain Marvel I saw at the two minute mark?  Also “Brother” and “Heimdal”.  SQUEE!!!

I’m not sure how to feel about this. The Star Wars universe has many stories to tell, so this is a good thing. On the other hand it could be a recipe for fan burnout.

Also: No KOTOR series? The hell, Disney?

Peter getting the death sentence. Seriously, Murdock was a truly TERRIBLE lawyer on the Netflix show.

I’m in the middle of my first proper Buffy/Angel binge right now. I watched a few eps of Buffy when it was on but never really followed it. And I also came late to Angel, so there are a lot of early episodes I haven’t seen. Greatly looking forward to Wesley’s evolution from comedy relief to taking a level in Badass.

I need new glasses but I’m unsure about how to get an eye exam during this pandemic.

I would hope they’d be brief appearances, otherwise the movie is going to be seriously overstuffed.

SpaceX fall down, go boom.

Seems clear to me they wanted to intimidate her for making governor DeFascist and, by extension, Whiny Orange Tittybaby look bad.

Charges of criminally negligent homicide, at the very least.

I was kinda saddened when I learn he named one of his daughters after a character in an Ayn Rand book.

The app used to give you this message when you selected it

I just checked.  When I selected the app it offered me the option to subscribe, so I assume it works.  Though I don’t have a Max account to be sure.