
Super-psyched for this.  I NEED MY MCU FIX, DAMMIT!

Maybe she’ll get possessed by a demon on the last episode of Supernatural.  Would that count?


When Deafy says “You boys have a nice day” to Loy and his man, all I could hear was Raylan Givens.  This is not a complaint.

When Gaetano was walking up to Josto I honestly couldn’t tell if he was going to hit him or hug him.

Sounds like Oraetta’s mother had Munchausen’s and was poisoning her as a child. Goes a fair ways toward explaining how screwed up she is. Especially if she’d suspected what was in Mother’s “Special Juices”.

I think it’s more like an episode of “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia”

Trump said, “Book the Four Seasons”, then tweeted it before they did it. The Four Seasons Hotel said “HahahahahahNo” when the campaign called for a presser in an hour. So they googled it and found another Four Seasons, because by that time, His Imperial Orangeness was on the way to the golf course. They went with it,

I won’t be watching Moonbase 8.  For one I don’t have Showtime.  And even if I did anything Tim or Eric touches is dead to me.  I loathe both of them.

And it’s perfect for home defense!

this might be the first sign of the reach-across-the-aisle America that he promised on the campaign trail.

Came to ask if the condensed soups were slurped as-is or not.

They look like Shrinky Dinks.

I prefer Gas & Sip.

This.  THROW.  HIM.  IN.  JAIL.

Hopefully this nutter will be an albatross around the GOP’s neck, further dragging them into irrelevancy.

I got up once at 8am and again at 11am (which is about 3 hours earlier than usual). I scrambled a single egg with a plastic fork and ate it straight out of the pan standing over the stove.

I may have some election anxiety.

I liked that show better when it was called “Person of Interest”