
This Nice Thing is Full of Spiders.

Seriously Dude, DON’T TOUCH IT

I wish we could fire them.  From a cannon into the sun.

Since when is the fucking DOJ responsible for enforcing Trump family NDAs??

Is this the Buffy reboot I keep hearing about?

I find this rule especially true for anything served over rice.

This looks like the kind of dumb fun 2020 needs right now.

I still say the sequel should have been called “I Still Know What You Did Summer Before Last”.

This.  My only complaint about the mild sauce is that it’s too thin to use on sandwiches (a McD’s bacon, egg and cheese biscuit, for example) because it tends to run off.

Not sure why they’re doing this in California of all places.  Seems like this tactic would be much more effective in a swing state.

Zelmare made a reference to “Mean old Mr Snowman” after the guy came out of the tub.

Although I’m sort of surprised nobody told the kid he wasn’t the one who killed Becca.

This.  The shredded chicken is the only thing I will miss.

What was Stormfront saying in German? Something about a lovely place on the river in the shade of an apple tree, but the combination of my rusty three years of high school German and Aya Cash’s less than stellar pronunciation made it hard to make out the rest.

The last episode of season 9 they reviewed has 557 comments! With that kind of traffic I have no idea why they stopped.

I’ve waited SIX YEARS for the AV Club to start reviewing this show again.  They damn well better review every remaining episode.  Though the fact that this thread only has 8 comments isn’t encouraging on that front.

I will heartily second the recommendation for “Lodge 49".  Fantastic show.  Should have gone on longer.

That scene was DEEPLY satisfying.

Glad someone else noticed that.