
Can anyone explain to me what Ryan did with his laser vision? I’m confused about how he cut off Stormfront’s legs, one of her arms and burned what looked to me to be the side of her head that wasn’t facing him. And how did he cut Becca’s neck? Shouldn’t it have been a burn?

I assume Victoria was the one who exploded Raynor’s head in the first episode. Anyone know why?

And why did she kill Alastair?

I got a definite Captain America - Civil War vibe from the scene in the basement where Butcher kisses his wife and the camera cuts to Frenchie, MM and Kimiko looking at him and smiling.

There’s almost no question Trump was infected when he debated Biden.  And when he held his Bedminster fundraiser.  I hope any donors that get infected from that event sue his orange ass.

She should totally sue them.  Discovery would be fun.

Panera has a drive-thru?  The only Paneras I’ve ever seen were in strip malls.

I can’t really say. I binge watched on Netflix over the course of a couple months and the episodes kinda blur together for me.  You’re probably better off googling “how to catch up on supernatural” than asking me.

I’ve been waiting since the end of season NINE for you guys to start doing SPN reviews again!

Also: The first half of season 15 in on Netflix, so there’s no reason to bother with the CW’s streaming service.

I don’t give a shit about Taco Bell potatoes, but losing the shredded chicken was a gut punch.

Cold pizza is a delicacy among my people.

I use my toaster oven since my regular oven doesn’t have a convection setting.

These guys had the right idea

They made a TV series out of a low budget time travel movie?

When is the Grand Tour returning?  Seems like it’s been forever.  Though their idea to ditch the audience now seems prescient.

I wonder how many rewrites the script for tonight’s SNL went through in the last 24 hours?

IF any of what they’re saying is true.  I’ll believe the positive diagnosis when he’s dead.

It looks like Attack the Block.

The actor who plays Gaetano reminds me of a cross between Chief Tyrol from BSG and Helmut Zemo.  But mostly Tyrol.

WTF is “AMC+”??  Is this another fucking streaming service I’m being asked to pay for?

It’s “Walking Dead Babies”!