
I spent the whole season thinking that box was a gift *from* her father to Courtney and wondering why she never opened it.

Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but why is it right-hand drive?

It’s too bad their map didn’t reveal that door under the football field. They could have just gathered there and destroyed the transmitter instead of going into the tunnels.

NOOOOOO.  I don’t want it to be over!!

Now playing

“Amber Says ‘Why’” is some of the funniest shit I’ve seen on TV in a long time.

Did we not pay enough when 600,000 Americans died to free slaves?

If you have a problem and you call the cops now you have two problems.

I can’t find any hint of this on Amazon’s web page.  Can anyone tell me where I should be looking?

Well at least all those bullet holes in the house and barn give Sissy an easy excuse for what happened to Carl.


No love for Thor and Jane?  What about Scott and Hope?  Do they even count as a couple?  We know Scott’s into her, but I don’t think we’ve seen them so much as kiss.

Feige’s main beef with the TV segment was Perlmutter.  Who is infamous for being a bigoted penny-pincher.

Since she doesn’t snap back anymore I think we should just call her “Yo”.

I think the only show that ever got that part of time travel right was Seven Days.

There’s a fan campaign to get Gallagher to play Robin in the new Batman movies.

Thinking about songs I could rip off and sell as my own, I’m not sure there are that many songs I know all the words and music for.

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I saw Casino on cable once. It was hilarious how much of the dialogue they had to edit. The desert scene with De Niro and Pesci was especially atrocious. Ah, here we go.

I can’t even find her on IMDB.

Poor Elliot. RIP - conspiracy theorist, jello enthusiast.

Yeah, just got to that part.  Of course he’s hopping like crazy just a few minutes later, so...