
Someone sent me this link but I’m too dumb to know what to do with it.

I wish kinja had a spoiler hiding feature because I have a question.

He also changed “When the light gets into your heart” with “knife” instead of “light” I think.

That’s my only complaint about the current season: no Fitz.

they approached Total Entertainment Network (TEN), a company that specialised in adding multiplayer modes to popular games. There they met Jason Kapalka

I am also here to proclaim my love of Agents of SHIELD in these trying, fucked up times.

Things I liked about this article: It’s not a slideshow.

Is CNN really capitalizing “white”?

pork stock

Kinda bummed we may never get to see him play Bones again.

Darn.  I was hoping Jade Tailor would get the role.

I’m gonna be sad when Agents of SHIELD ends.

A couple of people commented on her resemblance to Page in the AV Club review (including me).

Beatrice even looks a LOT like Jessica Henwick.

Someone else mentioned in the AV Club review the actress looked more than a little like Ellen Page, which I agree with, but I also noticed similarities to Jennifer Lawrence and Emilia Clarke.  In sum, very, VERY pretty.

That and a couple of the wide shots of the ferry showcased some gorgeous scenery.

every plotline ends in a hasty cliffhanger suggesting that the creative team is praying for a second season

Man, cops seem determined to prove the protesters right.

Yes, I do expect CW will have less money for this show than HBO.

I can’t find a screenshot now but I seem to recall the Mandalorian had a HUD in his helmet.