
Still bummed we didn’t get to see her chop a car in half with that thing.

Came to mention Spartan.  If True Romance and The Saint qualify as genre so should Spartan.

Yeah, we got a hint of Brainwave Jr’s telepathy as he was leaving that Halloween party.

Bowin’s son will most likely end up being able to utilize the violin’s power like his father did.

Did you watch episodes from the first season?  Because the first season is... not good.  It improves remarkably in the second season because they lean in to the goofiness of the premise.

Speaking of the staff: Why didn’t Courtney just blast them??

I had the same thought about Tigress’s “mask”.  Though on the other hand Courtney’s hair is pretty distinctive, too.  Just handwave it away as the Clark Kent effect.

A “volcano” science project? What grade is he in? Second?

I feel sorry for Ella if she’s the one who has to do CSI duties at that nightclub from the finale.

“How is it proportionate or fair that Mr. Lischewski get an extremely long sentence that bears no relationship to anyone else?”

I call her Kayleigh MAGAninny.

Heh.  I used to work at an online gaming company in SF in the mid-90s.  This was before every game had built-in connectivity, so we’d spoof games like Quake and Duke Nukem so they could be played over the internet.  As employees we were sometimes required (the HORROR!) to load test the servers with players from around

There was a brew pub near my old house that had a roomfull of computers hooked into a LAN. It was just a couple of bucks an hour (plus whatever you spent on their tasty beer) to play. There’s just something so satisfying about hearing a fellow player’s cursing and lamentations from across the room when you gank them.

Like with the HBO Max bullshit it seems like studios are just trying to confuse people.

I just wish Amazon would get cracking with that Culture series.

I don’t think the campaign had any effect on attendance. All it did was make the Trump campaign look like morons for claiming a million people would be in there.

At first I read that and saw “Pants and skirts can go a few years without washing.”

Metacritic’s ranking of Star Trek movies proves what hot garbage it is.  Wrath of Khan is at #6 while Into Darkness is at #2.

There were some great lines tonight

I seem to always get behind someone who’s ordering food for a family of 12.