
24% is such an oddly specific number.

Trump restarting his rallies on that date in Tulsa has Stephen Miller’s slimy fingerprints all over it.

Yeah, I noticed the fist pump immediately prior to the crash.

A zombie reality show?  You mean Survivor?

I hope it’s also on DCU.  HBO Max sounds like a pain to deal with.

Second.  Everything from the stairway fight to the end of the freeway chase is some fantastic action.

I don’t trust any flamingos because they pee on themselves to keep cool.

“Kate Kane died on the way back to her home planet”

My fingers are crossed for either Toboni or Tailor.

The Space Jockey was a workaround because the original temple concept would have been too expensive. Let’s not pretend this was part of any grand plan.

Not so long ago I had four hours of TV to watch on Sunday.  Now it’s zilch.

The 50s setting we’re headed to next week?

It would also have resulted in no Captain America.

So if you buy it now do you still get the 185 games that are coming tomorrow?

And it blows the AvP canon straight to hell.

all the Valkyrie facing down Hela earlier in the movie.

Give me a spinoff with Enoch and Koenig now!

The goat tearing up the house on brand, also gave me a good laugh.

Where the fork is my Legends of Tomorrow finale review??

Called it.