
I keep expecting that obnoxious gym owner to be outed as one of the bad guys.

Cisco should show up and have a rap battle with Sisqo. 

Could have been.  Or iced tea.  But nobody wants to drink hot coffee from a glass with no handle.

I was thinking the other day an oven mitt would be handy for throwing back tear gas canisters.

The people who use the “bad apple” proverb almost always conveniently forget about the second half of it.

I’m glad someone else finally pointed that out.

Not sure why the reviewer thinks they were drinking coffee, that was pretty clearly beer.  Who drinks coffee out of a glass??

Meanwhile, Chloe Bennett described Quake’s final scene as “rewarding” in a recent interview with Playboy.

I absolutely adore that getup V wears when they dance (and in the header image). Not so much the orange number she wears at the end.

And every interaction between V and the Bitter Pill gang was GOLD.

I recently got Parable of the Sower from the library based on the awards it got alone, not knowing anything about it.  When I finally read the blurb I was like “Are you KIDDING me with this right now??”

Can anyone recommend a particular brand they like?

I thought they had a time limit between jumps?  What happened to that?

I half expected Deke to say “Come with me if you want to live” to Freddy.  Then I realized he might not even know that reference.

I watched last season’s finale in preparation for this.  As a bonus it told me where I knew Stargirl’s Brainwave actor: He was the head Chronicom baddie from that season, Malachi.

Also May as always superbadass not only took much less than weeks to go back from mostly dead but she also hang of ceilings.

I’d forgotten how much I miss this damn show.

Plus it alliterates nicely with Karen.  Karens and Kents, Kents and Karens.  And if we get a third gender of nosy racists we can label them with a K name and call them the KKKs.

Donnie retweeted this. He doesn’t even read the handles.

You should check out Doom Patrol if you haven’t already. It’s chock full of “OMG, I can’t believe they’re doing this!”