
I remember seeing it the theater, too.  They handed out programs explaining who all the characters were, iirc.

“Why the fuck not?”

~ The AV Club

I was the default DM for all my friends in high school.  Mainly because the other two who tried it were either A) So fixated on running things on a rail that they’d get frustrated and kill everyone if they tried to deviate from his plans, or B) So lax about letting everyone do whatever they wanted that players

Now playing

Speaking of Arrowverse shows, super excited to have this wacky bunch back on my teevee tomorrow.

I put in an order on Fred Meyer’s website last night.  If I wanted a pickup I’d have had to wait until Sunday, but delivery was available today, which seems weird.

My buddy has a pool in his back yard.  Would that be big enough?

He was sadly wasted on The Magicians.  Seriously, what was the point of even introducing the Vandals as characters?  All it did was get Zelda out of the library so she could join the Scoobies, but that could have been accomplished a number of other ways.

Still pissed that they killed Hugh.

“Why don’t you go and do your thing where you close your eyes and breathe?”

It’s like hanging a pork chop around your kid’s neck so the dog will play with them.

Why would a spaceship be “weathered”?

It’s like when a politician accuses another politician of “playing politics” with an issue.  You know that’s literally your job, right?

“[T]he conservative squad idea wasn’t about me or any four people,”

Since they’re a military training company I’m betting Eric Prince is somehow involved.

A handy chart to show anyone who spouts this nonsense.

No Windows version.  It’s like they don’t even WANT my help.

I can’t bring myself to trust someone who refuses to eat eggs.  I mean, how can you even judge a breakfast place if you won’t try their eggs??

#1 Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics Classic

Guessing that’s the same technology they used for the Mandalorian’s backgrounds.  With a tiny fraction of the budget.