
How the fuck was this natural causes? Dude was in good shape and was only 60. That is not that old anymore, especially if you have money.

If Goblins dont like being discriminated against, im sure there are suggestion boxes or proper forms to fill out to politely request equality from the wizards. Equality must be *asked* for, Politely and civilly, and be delivered on a timetable that is comfortable for the oppressor.

the fact that the story was designed in that way literally makes it worse though. depicting those who use violence against their oppression as ‘oh no actually they are extremists who want to oppress the rest of the people’ is like a very common way to essentially say ‘using violence to gain equality is a no-no’ in

you could’ve just left it at “i don’t know how much racism there was in russia in the 50's.” a number of black americans visited the ussr over the years, and their main commentary seemed to be that they were surprised how well they were treated, compared to what they experienced in the u.s.

that isn’t necessarily to

And to think, when the bar for being bad is so low it’s literally not playing a video game, and you can’t even reach that.

I am aware that:

Transphobes lead to dead trans kids. Highlighting this fact, and calling attention to deadly transphobes, is not bullying, it's a ducking public service, you concern-trolling goober.


It’s news to me too since I said “play” not “buy.”

I’m assuming you’re being ironic on purpose?

And to think, all you would need to do to help them is NOT to play a video game, and you couldn’t even not do that.

You deserve your recreation.

Henry Ford’s dead. TERF wizard lady is not.

You can support a little transphobic bigotry, as a treat!

Playing a terf game is not what I would call “incredibly wholesome.”

When one side is literally fighting for their lives, yeah, it is pretty fucking binary!

Bully” hahahha Trans people literally kill themselves because of harassment and real bullying caused by people like JK Rowling but sure, this is “bullying”

Yeah, sorry, but I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the people who have been brought to tears just because they want to play a video game as opposed to the people literally being murdered just for wanting to exist.

The rank and file developers who worked on the game don’t get profit participation. They were paid a flat rate and have already moved on to other things or were laid off.