
Did the leak reveal when Spider Man 2 is coming to Steam?

I’m sorry a PC owner stole your boy and/or girl. That must have been really painful. Luckily you have your console to cuddle at night.

I’m not denying that class plays a role, but there are certain users (including the one I replied to) who detest “identity politics” because they insist that it distracts from class issues. In fact, these issues are related and you can’t talk about one without talking about the other. If you ignore race, you face the

Or maybe it means recognizing the very human instinct to connect with, and think more about, one’s own group, and take intentional steps to look outside that group when creating this sort of content. 

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.

Not that I expected better, but the whole “let’s wreck the place to make him look bad at his job” then proceeding to wreck the place when he’s not on shift felt egregious to me somehow lol

Last I checked when we tried to negotiate with Nazi’s, war was the only diplomacy they understood. Considering how heavily armed they are today, do think reasoning with them is an answer? 

Which is pretty on-brand for FNAF, really. It’s always been a franchise that I liked the IDEA of but the execution just never got there.

And this is a bingo.  The actual answer is the same answer it’s always been: “it’s the captialism, stupid.”   People have no savings, no real way to retire and are desperate for “get rich quick schemes.” One of these is buying Pokemon cards so that one of the Paul twins will spend six figures on a fucking Charizard

This is a TPC issue in a capitalistic world.

While TPC creating artificial scarcity certainly doesn’t help, scalpers/resellers are ruining everything, not just Pokemon. Before COVID I noticed it with my usual hobbies that have always had this issue, LEGO sets that just release and FOMO, import figures like Mafex, Figuarts, and Hot Toys, along with other

I replied to a post rendi made last week and they replied back.  Most of the time, Jezzers don’t reply back, so that’s how I knew the person was questionable at best.  The comment they made was essentially “don’t have kids if you can’t afford them” which while true, doesn’t always work out that way for some people.

And I bet the people who say this are also deeply opposed to the concept of taxes in general...

Franke’s business partner and therapist Jodi Hildebrandt.”

Did you need a sarcasm tag? Okay, here it is.

“Parental rights,” y’all!

Calling the cops for any reason in America comes with the implicit understanding that someone might get shot in the face within moments of them pulling up on the scene, without any provocation.

Oh yeah I’m sure you cherish the idea of being a black man with a warrant out for your arrest in Memphis Tennessee right? Seems really safe and fun.

What kind of fucking loser narcs on a gaming leaker? He should be the one put in jail. Ratting out a black man to the cops is soliciting homicide. Reading this made my blood boil.