
it’s not making anyone rich, they’re just getting higher and higher on their own farts and dunning-kruger.

Sure thing, Jan. 

Feel better, Chad? 

Are you making an argument that the Over the Shoulder pose was the only thing that was ever sexy or portrayed as sexy about Tracer? And that by removing it they both permanently and purposedfully removed any trace of her attractiveness from the game?

*Hank Hill has entered the chat*

Because America, where you’re better off dead than having to pay off a hospital bill for the rest of your life.

My uncle works for Nintendo. 

Perhaps one that won’t continue to demean people that are most at-risk of being murdered?

Cue the wave of cis people whining about this like it actually affects them. As is the usual, the conversation won’t actually be lead by trans folk, but people who don’t have a horse in the race arguing what’s best for people they know nothing about.

Good thing you didn't click on it

It means they probably understand the game quite well and are able to utilize this knowledge to accomplish such a task. If you don't like it, move on, no need to be a hater.

You are looking at this wrong. It’s just a precise input challenge that happens to take place within the confines of Elden Ring. As for the meaningfulness of this endeavor compared to other endeavors involving Elden Ring, I guess it’s a question of philosophy and esthetics...

“this makes me feel icky”

2021, or whenever that episode of stardust crusaders came out

This challenge is a JoJo’s reference.

“I want to remind us all of the benefits of in-person collaboration.”

Literally every covid precaution reduction is based on the idea that with a significant portion of the population vaccinated, it becomes safe enough that for the most part, the only people in serious danger are those who can’t be vaccinated (and rely on high vaccination of others to protect them) and those who refuse

Sure - but CEOs aren’t locals.

Tourism has proven to be a cancer to local economies anyway. 

So I get that competitive, fast paced, demanding games aren’t your cup of tea, but I think that SC2 as the reigning king of the competitive RTS deserves a spot in the top 10.