
Indeed there is a reseller/scalping problem and it is not just a few bad actors. it is systemic. This is merely a symptom of the larger problem that is capitalism. People buying more than they need to resell it at a premium to others is also done on a much larger scale with housing/food/medicine. And it is encouraged

So even less reason for them not to have all day breakfast

Sometimes I’m glad Blizzard doesn’t remember starcraft exists. This is one of those times

“you can’t get snakes from chicken eggs”. if you ever complicate their simple view of life they will simply ignore/deny whatever you say. no matter how factual.

if conservatives had any sense of self-awareness or logical consistency they wouldn’t be conservatives.

didn’t address the question. or any of the points.

maybe the high cost of accessibility is on purpose as a systemic violence tactic against the disabled? it’s not a conspiracy to say that disabled people are discriminated against for being “inconvenient” to society unless they “meaningfully contribute”

In other news... the game does not have Denuvo or other strong DRM protections on PC and can be downloaded for free starting today.

fucking mormons...

I know at least 1 person who thinks those kids deserved it because they said “children don’t deserve rights until they pay taxes”

children are people, nazi. people deserve rights.

violence gets the goods. non-violent resistance only works if your oppressor has a conscience. These “people” trying to genocide trans kids have none.

this attitude right here is why children are among the most oppressed political minorities. they are people and deserve the same right to autonomy as people. To say otherwise is fascism.

so we should refuse to consider political minorities because it is inconvenient to your perceived “simplicity” of the world? Okay nazi.

All this proves is that the people with the most money have the worst taste. Which has always been true.

survivorship bias is real. neurodivergence is no more a trend than left-handedness

I never stated he didn’t believe in covid. This is for everyone (it looks like the majority of people in the western world) who simply think covid can be ignored and stopped doing any amount of protection around it. There are still immunocompromised people stuck in their homes from 2020 because selfish people just

Covid is still real. Get vaccinated. Wear your masks. Stop gathering indoors. You’re gonna see way more people “unexpectedly” die like this in their 30s and 40s and maybe even younger because you won’t put your personal comfort aside for the good of society.

Shoot back. Get armed. A fascist bought another gun today. Did you?

Costco food court prices and arizona iced tea prices holding steady for decades shows that “inflation” is and always has been bullshit. It’s just companies wanting to see their lines go up, nothing is tangibly changing that justifies higher prices.