Jeffrey Abel Zwart

Somebody better get fired for that blunder.

The Onion will. They have had some spectacular pieces about Radio Shack.

I was late to Breath of the Wild, so I'll be logging lots of hours this weekend. Three of four divine beasts complete, but only about 35 shrines. I'm loving just exploring and dealing with side-quests.

New Holland's Pilgrim's Dole. It's amazing.

In that case, I call Taye Diggs.

The Wii U got short shrift. The only reason I'm not getting a switch at this point is because I'm still making my way through the catalogue of games for the Wii U.

These puns make me want to hit you with a 2x4

Is hipsterdouche bag still a thing? Are kids still doing that?

Juliette Binoche. She should be on everyone's list for everything.

Jake Gyllenhaal is no man's poor man's…wait, I'm confused.

She is starting to look like the muppet kids from The Dark Crystal.

Who was the target audience for this movie? I would think the (still relatively small) cult following for the original would only be somewhat interested in the re-make. I can't see anyone else who would be interested.

There really should be more love for the Wii U. Of course, I always wanted something that lets me keep a map on the second screen.

I also don't eat meat, so I am doing brussel sprouts in a nut & (fake) butter sauce, and French onion soup. Which it turns out is delicious if you do the onions right. Meaning 3 hours of caramelizing.

Midwest comfort = Bob Evans

I suggest a longer waiting period between doing Steinbeck and CSI.

Kinda hot as in attractive, or kinda hot as in in demand? Or both?

Didn't know that she had a new one out. Thanks!

A Scanner Sharkly

Hey, a spoiler alert would have been nice.  Thanks for ruining the late 80's for me.