Jeff Olasz

That's a very good point; and i think it's a point that an observer would take one way or another (depending on how much they wish to perceive it was brought up). I do believe it was spoken to During the scene when the french were not being allowed on to the pier.

A movie is a representation of a directors vision: in this case Nolan told a story with minimal dialogue showing imagery of french soldiers and others briefly. Since in this case his story was of three smaller stories wrapped into a larger one. Having a story of another soldier or non combatant/female etc would change

A lot of this data is from a era quite a ways in the past wonder woman is from the what the 40's: i would love to see the information say for the 21st century only to see if there has been a shift in the last few years. The clip does mention the success of today so has that correlated in the recent years in comics?

I find it interesting because of the way sports schedules work - ie it's July so the only football playing now is CFL (canadian football) which is the picture. Saskatchewan vs montreal.

What would be your choice for a final meal?