jeff loggens

Someone serves me bread that's too hard, it's a doorstop now. #New_rulz

I like Johnny Depp though. Rum Diary was actually good contrary to what the critics thought, and his cameo in Beasts and Where to Find Them was righteously cool. Plus, Johnny Depp looks really cool in just that casual photograph you are using. Stop fighting it, Depp is really cool.

Fucking fuckwits.

Voted for Lincoln and South got sad.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I barely ever watch concert DVDs. The only one I've barely watched is probably Stop Making Sense. The Last Waltz, but it's gotta' be a pretty great show. Also, Prince has a movie-concert thing for Sign O' The Times, a movie for Purple Rain etc.

The boot is edited for only the 'good parts' in a flash-replay style. It misses all the subtlety and nuance. Then again, maybe they played it very commercial for a foreign audience (Spain, Japan).

I'd like a flac or cd of that.

That would definitely be interesting, especially for the after-shows and different eras.

It's the one thing Prince doesn't have, is that great official live album. A double disc set, too. (Of course, there are bootlegs etc, and a thingy from the early aughts which I don't think is even in print anymore).

Wonder what the other possible Republican candidates would have done with it, Cruz's first WHCD would have been atrocious. Jeb's would have been hilarious and sad. Clinton's would have been fantastic (I voted for HC by the way, Colorado leading the nation who is confused, as usual). Bernie would have been… a little

There was a new ep on Saturday night besides elements? I can't keep up with this, ugh.

Now can we have a HP Lovecraft anthology series?

I like me some Amazon prime, still catching up on all those Japanese exploitation films from Arrow etc, there's like 10 of them. I checked out the original Sex Hunter where they hunt 'half-breeds', that was interesting, apparently all the Sex Hunter films from the early 70s are there, and Girl in Prison films and

I love mac and cheese and eat it all the time, it has almost supplanted burgers for me.

You brought me great joy Charlie, rest in peace.

It's funny because he's Vietnamese!

White people: It's funny because he's Chinese!

Uh… OK. I got past this around puberty, but OK.

The good ones are the 90's films, the rest are the rest.