
I hope he and every other “artist” who complained about Fortnite “stealing” their dances lose. Most of those dance move were themselves either ‘stolen’ or derived from previous dance moves.

I thought PETA stopped being a ‘thing’ like 10-15 years ago? Pretty much everyone hates them now (white people the most).

They changed the BF occupation from the book, I believe he was a teacher.

Not to be that guy, but the book is vastly superior in every aspect. I HIGHLY recommend it, it’s the perfect weekend read.

I do hope they’ll got with four 8-team divisions (a true east and west split for each league that will restore some historic rivalries). The top teams will get byes, and the 2nd and 3rd teams will have a 3-game wild-card series. Instead of 4 WC games you’ll have between 8-12 games (that extra money they’ll get from

Yeah, according to Billboard: 1000 streams = 1 album sold. That is such BS I don’t know where to start. Neither the artist or the label earn more than spare change from streaming, while they actually do see money from actual album sales (either physical or digital).

This could backfire spectacularly if shows a big enough gap between the male and female times in the same circuits.

This movie is sitting at 29% on Rotten Tomatoes right now. It’s sad to see her using metoo to polish up this turd.

Obama should’ve left her to rot.

She died dude (Lady Sif that is).

I feel this is sort of ridicules. I’ve never heard of any place of work that allows mothers (or fathers) to bring newborn babies into the actual workspace, and IMO rightfully so. Now, before I’m accused of sexism, my reason for thinking this is the ‘leaking’, or more precisely, the blending of work time with non-work

By your logic we shouldn’t try to rehabilitate gang members, or is just white gang members?

He and Bill Maher were pretty much the only prominent left wingers who not only gave Trump a chance, but actually warned people that we were sleepwalking into a Trump win.

Casio is better and cheaper.

So, Snow falling on the Ceders but with NAZIS!!!

With what, Israel not letting in millions of Palestinians into its borders? Yeah.

This should’ve been done decades ago. It’s ridicules that grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the actual Palestinians who were driven out in 1948, and who have lived all their lives in a different country, are considered refugees. No other group of refugees are afforded this special treatment.

That is a perfect example of privilege.

Now that would’ve been truly groundbreaking.

That is the most fitting description of her.