Jeff Jonez


I think Junk is in a perfect spot and dose not need any tweaking, he absolutely can wipe the floor with a team at a choke point.

Indeed. Blizzard admitted they screwed up with the Sombra ARG and we know they’re typically no slouch at hidden content and surprising fans.

I feel like the wife’s response is the only appropriate white-person reaction in this story. What the fuck, neighbors.

If the police would figure out who did it they could charge the actual vandal(s) the fine rather than the victims of the vandalism.

Won’t someone think of the property values?!?

Love seeing cheaters taken out. Anywhere.

I’m seeing at least one aim-botter per session these days. Pretty obvious when it’s happening. Hopefully blizzard can keep up and swing the hammer again soon.

I am split on the issue,

they were probably just waiting for the match to start.

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”

I’m just here to high five this article. And you!


They did say three... A word that is never said...

Spot on: it’s only the beginning. I’ve got zero interest in current-day VR but I won’t deny that the tech is incredibly promising. I can’t wait for the day that it works more seamlessly, with wireless headsets, zero nausea, and less peripheral hardware. Until then, I salute everyone plunking down cash on the equipment

Half Life 3 episodes 1 and 2 and 3 confirmed.

Monoprice Premium DJ Style Over-the-Ear Headphones. I bought a pair of these a few years ago and use them just about every day while I’m at work. They are comfortable to wear for extended periods of time which is a must for work use. You can use any male-to-male 3.5 mm cord, so you can easily adjust the length of

Monoprice Premium DJ Style Over-the-Ear Headphones. I bought a pair of these a few years ago and use them just

to quote many and internet commenter, is this really the hill you want to die on? Defending a fuck face who pushed an old lady out of his way?

Basically, she caught and dropped it into the flowers, and while reaching over to get it had it in her hands when he checked her and took it away. Also, she's 4'10". The guys a dick no matter how you look at it. It's a $5 ball and he had to take it from an older lady.

One of the local sports talk radio shows in Philly, got a hold of the lady and gave her some jewelry from one of their sponsors as well as front row premium tickets to another Phillies game. They also found out the guy’s name and outed him on the radio. Can’t remember his name or I’d name him here. Not everyone here