Hate to break it to you, but Half-Life really stinks.
Hate to break it to you, but Half-Life really stinks.
Any game where the creator has decided that you need to kill and create a dog is garbage. fuck that.
Agreed. Normalizing the killing of domesticated animals should never be a thing. Humans? meh
Am I the only one who never kills the dogs in this game? The gangsters and palace guards deserve what they get when they start swinging their swords, but the poor puppers didn’t ask to become watchdogs.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.
Definitely price gouging. They’re literally asking for protection money (or a “warranty” as they call it).
B-b-b-but it was just a “heated gaming moment.”
The dude that had no idea that nazis were bad is using the n-word casually? You don’t say. I wonder how many YouTube personalities will rally to him this time? And I wonder if they’re rallying because they have the same beliefs as this racist that claims he isn’t?
Hey if they are going back on their word on this maybe it means there is hope for a single player campaign mode.
Let’s be clear, NBA Live is not as good as NBA 2K. But EA’s series now has one clear advantage over its rival, in…
I feel like they’re really tempting fate with this...
“I think we’d do better with a healer,” I suggested to my Overwatch team earlier this week. We were in the spawn…
That would be more impressive if they had any new games X)
Are you aware of Black Mesa? It still isn’t finished, but it’s supposed to be this year.
So lazy we can’t even finish sentences and have to trail off with ellipses.
So lazy we can’t even finish sentences and have to trail off with ellipses.
I have debated trying Prime fresh but to be honest, I like the human interaction I get with going to the store (I know many will not agree with me) also, I looked up an item I got at the store this morning for 2.99 and it is 4.99 on prime. Also, if I want a steak I want to be able to make sure its a good one which I…
I have debated trying Prime fresh but to be honest, I like the human interaction I get with going to the store (I…
Basically free until one day when you turn your brain on and realize how much you’ve been ass raped for buying produce from Amazon.
Basically free until one day when you turn your brain on and realize how much you’ve been ass raped for buying…
I know I’m an old, but exactly zero people have ever asked to see my actual high school diploma. Maybe you need a copy of it for college and other things these days, but I went all the way through law school not needing the actual document. As long as my transcript from HS, College, and Law School said “graduated”…
So four years of “Do your own work, no cheating, work it out yourself” culminates in “Here, read this shit we wrote for you.” Ok...