
Q: What do you get when you put $4700 into a $2300 Crown Vic?

Damn.I suspect this is a ‘joke’ im not getting because i dont know the situation? Were these people affected similar to New Orleans?

I traded a refrigerator compressor for my first car, a 1963 Corvair. He got cold beer, I got hot trash.

You allowed the pants-shitter BACK into your car, after witnessing the source of the odor? That was your second mistake.

Many years ago, I gave a hitchhiking old man whose car had run out of gas a lift to the nearest gas station. He had a bit of an odor, but I didn’t realize until he stepped out of my car that he had SHAT all over his own pants and the contents had trickled down my then-almost-new (faux) leather seats.

Afrikakorps Karamel

User name directly inspired by my experience with the 944 (my avatar is the 2.5 l 8-V). Through much of my pain with the 944 and while shopping a 928, my P-car mechanic, who I use for only repairs that require serious tools/experience/skill (none of which I have) and who’s child I have sent through private school at

I dunno man. 928's are actually pretty nice if you can deal with the maintenance. But whenever I look at them, all I see is this:

Hard to find manual is a real plus. But, as someone who has ‘refurbished’ a lowly 944, and shopped 928's, I can not even imagine the money pit this thing is. 928's are notorious for their wiring going bad. Not saying I know about this one, but it does not exactly look like it has had a thorough working-over lately.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.

2 inline 6s on a common crankshaft forms a V. If these were V6s that would be correct.

Read about this yesterday; this guy is a metal fab god. Here’s what it’s going into. Never enough props for somebody with this kind of skill.

I thought a WRX was a winter beater?

A merkin reference!

Much like the act of wearing live hamsters as a merkin

Heated seats are great. And most winter’s I’m a lot colder than you. Signed , An Alaskan. P.S. Aren’t you a little young to be so crotchety? #Get off my lawn you kids!


Meh indeed. Not only did you put a lot less effort into writing your story than nearly all others, you start off by saying “Meh... I win...” which of course you don’t, because nearly every story that’s been featured has quite a bit more win than yours. Plus no one else started off by saying they won. It’s not about

Medians are what Mustang drivers run over (or into) when leaving a cars & coffee event. Everyone should know that!