
Why is it too early to draw conclusions from that fact?

Maybe it wasn’t allowed to go under 50MPH ?

Wow, that is some low budget local news going on there.

You never know where and you’ll never know when
But one thing’s for sure, the phantom shitter will strike again

I thought I was going to be the only one. All these people sound like dicks to me. I just rented a Citroen something or other in Italy and drove it 2800km through Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. I vacuumed and washed it before we gave it back. I wouldn’t dream of doing most of the things in here to someone else’s

This article has as many assholes on the renters’ side as it does the rental agency side.

Splendid. Spiffing, even.

The real question is what you drank while there. Please tell me that’s a proper English brown ale.

Or she thinks we’re perverts.

Yes, all that talk of people’s outfits and then no picture of what Kristen herself was wearing. It seems a bit odd not to show off. Perhaps she was too busy taking photos of everyone and everything else, or she didn’t dress in period for some reason. Or she thinks we’re perverts.

See also: “Nothing good happens after midnight”

On Saturday morning my neighbor partied on her deck with at least three other people from 2:30 am to about 6:00 am. Shouting nonstop. She’s a grandmother in her 40s. I don’t see how that it possible without drugs. I’m 34 and I can’t stay up past 2 am to save my life.

Seriously. People randomly hanging out in cars, blasting music at 3am, are usually drunk, high, or up to some shit. Usually a combination of the three. If this had been a couple of black women I’m sure the usually ‘not racists’ would be all over the place with assumptions. They were thugs, they should have just walked

I’m surprised the guy getting the blowjob didn’t shoot him.

That was my thought based on my experience. I had dealings with a “friend” who did this kind of shit and glad she didn’t have a gun.

They were all doing coke right?

I don’t like to resort to name-calling, but this women is a worthless little twat. That expression on her face reads, “Yeah I did it, what of it? My daddy will post bail in ten minutes and I’ll be back at my Enterprise receptionist job by tomorrow morning lol.”

Now you have me singing U2

Now you have me singing U2