
So that wasn’t a Mustang leaving Cars and Coffee?

Some irrational Audi fan boy will snap these up and park them in the backyard where they will sit for 10 years only to be hauled to the junkyard by a pissed off ex-wife who got the house in the divorce.

And “no brainer”’is our modus operandi here at the Jalop!

Yea I was wondering the same thing!!

The problem is, those panels aren’t fiberglass. They’re a heavy-gauge injection molded plastic, not unlike you’d find on a kid’s toy dump truck. Those panels aren’t ever going to be made straight.

I use Donner as my name with restaurants, adding one. (Tables are always an even number of seats.).

If the difference between a $20,000 car and what must be potentially a $2,000,000 car is just a few numbers stamped into metal, I’d be a bit wary about the VIN on a car that has been lost for 40 years.

I am beginning to wonder if these are just for showing off how much money you have or whether you appreciate a proper driver’s car. No one doubts the capabilities, but I’ve seen Lamborghinis in the wild only twice, and both were stuck in traffic in southern France and Monaco.

I prefer the Lockheed McDonnel 3-12

Shockingly the Connie was never on my list. Even though a fantastic aircraft that really has a significant notch in aviation history, it was never one I got excited about. I’d love to even see the interior of Boeing 314 (Panam’s most famous Clipper) but I’m not sure if any even exist anymore.

Seriously, I was trapped on a plane for 17hours straight once

Planes just aren’t as cool as back in the day.

I’ve always thought a reasonable replacement in my ultra wealthy fantasy would be a Grumman HU-16 or a PBY. Most likely the Grumman because those can still be found in flying condition and more suitable for a civilian operator.

Remember when gas/oil prices went up really high and flight prices skyrocketed because of it? And they crammed more seats on planes and charged us heavy fees for bags? Then fuel/oil prices dropped drastically and the flight prices never went down and fees never went away? Fuck everything about the airlines.

Heard it in the correct voice.

This would still sell on AutoTrader for $35k.

“Well, it’s in Hazzard, it’s in a hurry and it ain’t a Duke. So whoever that fella is, he’s probably up to no good. “

If it’s two-inches of pubic hair limiting your spacial options, maybe you should consult a groomer. Or perhaps a landscape architect.

Terrific! Do this in a Mustang and it attacks passersby. Do it in a Volvo and receive the gift of CDs.

I’ll tell you, it wasn’t with his thumb that he figured it out. lol