
The first thing we always say to each other as we launch the boat. “Did you check the plug?” We once watched a boat at the dock as the bilge pump ran and ran for about a half hour. Suddenly realized the owner had pulled the butt plug out and not remembered when he launched. Grabbed the spare out of my truck, jumped

Just watched the video on Youtube which now makes me an expert on this topic.   I concur.

What project vehicle did you buy while there?  ;)

Why can’t we… work out our differences? Why can’t we… work things out?

just use Peameal or Back Bacon please. No need to insult us.

Sitting with my 3rd Ranger in the parking lot just outside my office (1994, 2001, 2011). Trying to figure out what to do for a retirement vehicle that will allow us to go down to a single vehicle, have good towing capacity for the boat, yet seating for potential grand kids. Thinking the XLT will fit the budget, but I


Reading your response on the ‘puter at work. Decided to to look up the definition of your “eph” word on my personal ipad using mobile data. Good choice...

My sister is 68 and had been looking for an Audi TT that fits her budget. With no luck she has gone and bought a 6 Speed Golf GTI. Making all the seniors crazy in her condo complex! “Who is that chickie driving the sports car!”  LOL

Good thing that one is white...

No seatbelts were worn, err, injured in the making of this film.

How about changing that from “Traffic Sucks” to “Having to work sucks” or “Having the president that we have sucks” (you have, I’m CDN) or something like that every once in a while to catch our attention?

Too bad there is a spelling mistake associated with your name...

In honour of you dating yourself, I just spent a half hour on iTunes looking for “Strange Occurences” and while I perused many TGD songs and albums, that one was not to be found. I’ll have to take your word for it.

Now playing

My favourite was always the episode of adding gull wing doors to your Ford Granada (or whatever it was).

Are we not at total saturation for these things yet? I find it hard to even read the article and look at the pictures. I went straight to the comments to star the ones that cut the product down.

So happy to see that he respected the memory of Evel Knievel by wearing the leathers, boots and cape.  His success will not diminish the showmanship of the original.

Let’s add Panama by Van Wailin’ (We’re runnin’ a little bit hot tonight,) and Radar Love by Golden Earing to that outstanding list. Two good late-night driving songs IMHO.

Little known fact. There’s an extreme propensity for stock photo models to actually be psycho-sadistic serial killers.