
That’s a bit of a superlative, mate. If anything, Halo Infinite has but pretty fun to play both campaign and PvP.  Perfect?  Of course not.

Slow day at the office, eh, John?

The amount of exclamation points in this review is next level ;)

First of all, Popeyes is absolutely the best fried chicken chain (keyword), with Church’s being a close second (I live in Houston).  They recently opened up a Gus’s here and man I have to say I really wanted to like it more, but nah.

Yeah I was just about to say I found the Bleach adaptation surprisingly not horrible.  Probably helps that I go in with my expectations set reeeeeeeeally low beforehand.

Yeah I have to side with the others here.. stylistically you might not like him but to consider his talent as garbage is a stretch. To be fair I pretty much idolized Lee growing up so there is that bias :)

Ok that was pretty much perfect

Couldn’t agree more. Some dishes just need the original McIlheny’s tabasco sauce to be “right”

Yah man.. I cried like a little girl watching Coco for the first time, post St. Patty’s Day drinking on top of all that! Easily one of the best movies I have ever seen.

This. x 9999999.

Not sure what part of the country you live in, but all I can say is

Ok fine. In honor of one of our local heroes..

Actually.. they keep empty Gatorade bottles in the equipment locker just for this. For realz.

Open carry laws are anti-progressive? #lolwut

I’ll say it: SW:G in its first incantation was one of the *best* MMORPGs I’ve ever played, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be playing MMOs since UO: The 2nd Age.

Great article. How about next time you quit douching up your chili. Leave out the beans and corn FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

ooh.. thou shalt not blaspheme Jim Lee! :)

Startup brewery founder here.. it's not just litigation amongst brewers, but also between breweries and vineyards and distilleries.

Hmm.. why is the "C" not reversed?

It's a mag, not a clip. Sorry, couldn't resist. :)