
The way Nancy Pelosi handled AOC’s climate change committee tells you everything you need to know about Nancy Pelosi as a person and a politician.    If you are a Republican and hate left wing politics you should be so happy to have Nancy Pelosi in charge.    She has zero chance of damaging Trump in anyway

The most popular politician (by miles!) in the country would add nothing to a campaign </s>

Shhh. ANY criticism of a Democrat is akin to wanting perfection, and a purity test.

I don’t even want Bernie. He’s too old, and has shown himself to be incredibly problematic on race matters.

If the “dream” candidate of “most Democrats” is a) a 70+ year old man, who b) gaslighted Anita Hill, and c) made it impossible to discharge student loans in bankruptcy, then the Democratic Party is truly fucked, and doesn’t WANT to win. But I don’t think that’s true.

alright. it was the stupid dna thing and then endorsing hillary who lost to donald trump who rather than campaign in states that were battle ground states, she acted as if it was her time and the election was in the bag.

Unfortunately, I don’t think she’ll ever be able to live that stupid thing down. Democratic voters will look past lots of stupid, but that was the wrong type of stupid.

No chance - her political career ended the day she opened that envelope.

I have my issues with Bernie, but it doesn’t sound like this was necessarily a Sanders problem so much as it was a systemic problem somewhere in the chain of command.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s entirely plausible that he was complacent in what happened (and if so, that’s something we all need to address with a

Your sarcasm is noted, but you fail to take into consideration that at no point is specific blame attributed to Bernie for failing to deal with instances of sexual harassment in his campaign. He bears passive responsibility for not actively creating a safe environment, but the practical responsibility falls to Jeff

The problem with “centrists” is that they’re not a fucking thing. The suffix “-ist” implies having a definite ideology. Capitalist, communist, leftist, fascist, Islamist, etc. All are definite sets of principles. Being in the centER is not an ideology, it’s a steadfast refusal to have one. Adding “-ist” implies that

Funny, when all of these centrists were pushing an illegal and unnecessary war with Iraq that has cost several trillions, I don’t recall all of you howling about how we’re going to pay for it. It’s only when we want poor people to be able to go to the doctor that suddenly everyone is super concerned about where they

Actually, if you’d read anything about the atrocious levels of gerrymandering happening in that state, you’d see that the majority of voters don’t want those things.  They’re voting against them.  And then because of shit like this, they’re not being adequately represented.

boy I couldn’t disagree with this more. Trump is a symptom of a sick and broken system that desperately needs to be rejiggered.

In my opinion it’s very weird to pose the NBA’s strongly anti-labor cap-and-max system as being something people with pro-labor politics should support.

Agreed. If the season were to end today (it doesn’t), Ayton would be a near-unanimous RotY.

I also don’t get how the Euro League has become this all powerful league that automatically produces sure thing NBA stars. I mean it is good, but it’s still far far closer to the NCAA than the NBA. Plus it’s lack of athleticism often hides weaknesses in players that even the NCAA doesn’t.

Careful. Evaluating players in the comment section is a zero sum game. It’s not enough to say Doncic looks great and is a perfect fit in Dallas. All other rookies must have to therefore suck.

Who didn’t like the ‘04 - ‘06 Pistons?

Johan Franzen scrambled his brain at the expense of one of the best and coolest playoff goal scoring runs in recent memory and capped it off with a Cup win, the least this team can do for him is let him collect a pay check for his efforts while he sits on LTIR and doesn’t even count against the damn cap. I’m sure his