
This will not happen. Showing my child something from Bleacher Report is the type of evidence my ex-wife needs to regain custody.

To be fair to these two, Kentucky politicians have been talking recently about defunding Planned Parenthood.

Some of these bands are good, and some are bad, but this is definitely a list of bands. Good job!

And I thought we’d have to wait until Duke played in the first round of the NCAA tournament before we read about someone getting tripped up by an unranked opponent.

Chris O’Donnell is still the worst Dick Grayson, but Allen is closing the gap fast.

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

Luckily, Olsen’s wife will never see this.

Man, I can’t wait to see what the papers will come up with for headlines tomorrow morning!

“Finally, it’s my time to shine!”

Ok, so the cop was charged with murder

Butler was close. Plumlee’s email is

he’s done it while playing a style of basketball that’s more than a little reminiscent of college-era Lamar Odom

What’s that? A reason to post this? Okay then.


He’ll reportedly be replaced on a interim basis by assistant coach J.B. Bickerstaff.

“...and sand. I don’t like sand.”

Won’t somebody please think of the children? All of whom are most likely Philips Rivers’.

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

I redirected her attention to the cheerleaders and mascot.

Schrödinger’s cat nods in agreement... or it doesn’t.