
It looks like Philbin was able to resolve that issue at practice. Tannehill looked a lot more comfortable getting intercepted during the game.

You do not want to make an enemy out of me. I’m not having it. I’ve done nothing wrong.

In a way, he’s sort of like Schrodinger’s horse.

If not carpet-bombing civilians is what “no leadership” means, then I don’t want any damned leadership.

I got like three numbers that night

A promising go-getter named Joey Freshwater.

the referees are part of the field

why do Bills fans insist on utilizing their partners’ pants like dead Tauntauns?

Will the Democratic debates be as batshit insane as the three hours we witnessed last night?

Is that a winky face, or did Jason lose his eye too?

He also thought the piece needed more quotes from inspirational leadership voices like Maya Angelou, Ralph Ellison, and Jason Whitlock.

Ah, fuck. There goes his second career as a movie reviewer.

Must be tough to have to live out on the streets, beaten down and destitute, with only a gerbil to keep you company.

First of all, it’s “Congreff” (they wrote their Ss like Fs) and second of all it has been held by the Supreme Court’s starry decisis that it doesn’t just apply to Congress, it also applies to We The People of the 52 states.

“It’s cool,” said Owens. “I have lots of black and dead Jewish friends.”

Why am I not surprised that no one here has heard of the First Amendment...

[reads author’s name]

“it’s totally screwed on wrong.”

Transfer deadline day is always liable to turn up a couple shockers

The real reason the kid’s mind was blown was that he realized he has as many Premier League goals as Rooney this season.