
They were also cheating because the running back is 33 years old and also Marshawn Lynch.

You have a key. They have a hood. Be brief.

Now playing

Mr. Vega’s advice on tampering with another man’s ride...

This is why you just say, “footage from Mexico”.

Alas, the internet clout points are too tempting sometimes.

“I found out when I got there, and there were paparazzi everywhere. I was thinking, ‘There’s more to this than meets the eye.’”

Your headline is missing some key words- just a head’s up. 

psst Lauren, insert the word “idea” in the title

Hi Lauren! I think your headline is missing an “Idea”?

I don’t get names like this. He must think he’s funny but in reality you just look like a complete tool. 

what about . . . . . wait for it . . . . . Tomatolemonparty

Better than Tomatogoatse

congratulations tomatoanus on reaching maturity

I loved driving over there. I experienced more terrible driving in the twenty minute drive from the airport home once back Stateside than in the two weeks I was there driving all over the country.

Yes and no. On average ze Germans do have pretty good driving etiquette, but they do still have the left lane hogs as well as those that dont look and pull into the left lane and then proceed to go slow in their diesel. I encountered quite a bit of it when I drove from Munich though Berlin to Warsaw 3 months ago when

My cousin didn’t know his car (or any car) had highbeams for 3 years after he got his license. The standards here in the U.S. are VERY low.

Don’t worry - most Germans are horrified by American highways too.

Why is Girardi talking about him in the past tense like he’s dead? How fucked up is that? He’s right there, you moron.

C’mon Joe, he’s not dead. I’m going to assume he’s still a good husband and father, if he was before last night.

Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.