
Wait are you trying to defend Guardado for choking McKennie? That’s inexcusable. If I recall it started from Guardado sitting on Altidore? There are 1000 better ways of separating players than reaching for someones neck. The ref absolutely should have done something more there. Fine with the US and Mexico had dirty

Mexico really choked them out in our end

I like the idea, but I think your asking for a reffing/VAR nightmare having to make such a tough judgement call. I certainly don’t have a better idea though, that’s for sure

100% agreed. I looked at my wife after the PK and said, god I hope we get at least one none PK goal. I think it would’ve felt cheap otherwise, but agreed it was certainly the right call. 

Hell yea.

I will say, one of my favorite moments riding in the past 8 years was when a buddy took us up the backside of a local ski hill. A 1 or 2 trail tow rope hooked up to an old truck engine. You walk the 45 minutes up the back of it on a snowmobile road and you have 5ish minutes of untouched powder and natural trees that

No no that’s where you have it wrong! It’s rather hard to scrape the head off of a tall boy PBR in a can, good sir.

Stop it, this doesn’t fit my narrative....

Haha fair. I’d share a beer with you my two plank riding friend if you’d have a knuckle dragger

Interesting read, but I don’t know if after a life of skiing you’re in the best position either from a bias standpoint or from an experience standpoint to say whether or not banning skiing makes the experience better for snowboarders. Plus, come ride in New England where our snow quality ranges from “ok” to “skating

Mother of god. The moguls argument is exceptionally infuriating. What snowboarder actually seeks out moguls. I ride them out of necessity not out of any interest. I know I’m overly generalizing but still. I see just as many average skiers wreck moguls as snowboarders. I see just as many skiers as snowboarders take up

Boston owes Kadri a tribute video for when he returns to the Garden. Hell, they may have retired his number if they won the cup this year. 

Yes absolutely. I’m sure Mr. Irby was going to turn his guns in right away after his domestic assault charges. I don’t understand why Courtney Taylor Irby decided to take matters into her own hands. Thankfully the law is on Mr. Irby’s side so that he may never suffer the injustice of not being able to carry a gun. Ms

How about just being able to toggle the wifi truly on or off from control center instead of 10 steps to get there. 

Yes it sounds like he respected her a lot. Thoughts and prayers to him during this tough time. I’m sure his feeling of trust and privacy have been shattered. 

Wow, this thing is an absolute rokit

Yea holy hell. Just seeing the words “anti-vaxx” just fill me with rage. Lets suddenly fear these things that have been protecting people from horrible things for decades now!

You can hang onto your smart science. I thing we aren’t looking broad enough. Like, has anyone studied the link between being born and autism. I would say everyone who has autism was born at one time. That’s the true danger here. #unbirthmovement

While I agree with the main point of your argument, I just want to say that rust!=tetanus. It’s usually just a sharp vehicle to get the bacteria into your body. But otherwise yes these people are fucking stupid

To your first point, if I owned guns they’d be locked up in the basement. Perhaps I’d have a pistol in a small safe in my bedroom. So in the hypothetical scenario I’d have to politely ask the armed men to wait while I go retrieve my bigger gun. I also wouldn’t go with a revolver on that end of the spectrum.