How is this the first post on the Stanley Cup Finals? I have been holding out for something interesting on how Tarasenko eats his pancakes but I guess this will have to do.
How is this the first post on the Stanley Cup Finals? I have been holding out for something interesting on how Tarasenko eats his pancakes but I guess this will have to do.
I’ll be honest, I was a little surprised this morning when the news showed his infamous error.
That is a clean looking Jetta
What’s next, they are going to start fining people for “I eat Ass” stickers?
I must have missed that day in class where religion should have anything to do with laws
Hahah right. Never once looked
Today I learned the state of Alabama has a Kinja account. Neat
What’s next? Clippy is going to pop up and offer to help me by sending me to some defunct help file?
Yea for sure. When people say Thomas stood on his head, they actually meant it.
I like watching Hockey. I don’t watch a lot of Hockey though. However Tim Thom in 2011 was so much fun to watch. It was chaotic and beautiful
I like it but I’m pretty sure they aren’t originally from Bawsten. I think he’s from...:writes in accent:....Atlanta
Wasn’t he the original Mountain in season 1?
+1 can I touch them
He looks just like Eli with a helmet on too. He’ll be fine
He is america’s ass
Hahaha amen to all of that
Fair enough, and I get what Katharine was trying to say and you agreeing to it. I guess I am not a huge movie critic. I’m probably more like a dog when it’s owner comes home when it involves watching movies. So a major plot point will ruin my experience of the movie regardless of how good or bad the movie is.
To your first quote, I’ll decide how I enjoy/consume entertainment.
This is good, art is hard
So Bernie is now getting kickbacks from electric companies now? Or he just truly wants F1 to die now that he doesn’t get to run it anymore? My money is on either