
Should’ve just stopped at used WRX/STI. Source: the idiot with the username JeffFurbs when he was younger.

That’s not entirely true, they worked great when they were removed from the game for a while. Didn’t die by the non-existent zombie once. And during that time the amount of zombie’s clipping through walls to kill you dropped to 0%. That’s an impossibly good percentage. 

Least those games got released right? I know I’m breaking your rules, but DayZ should at least get an asterisk for being so hyped and never finished. I mean maybe it got finished, I gave up on that storm many years ago.

Least the cost ends there. You don’t have to buy supplies for the classroom and work long hours outside of your contract to name a few things. Oh wait...I have that backwards. 

I’m confused, is the New Jersey part good or bad

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna Ron around and desert you.

I had nearly new summer tires on my GTi because my winter tires had not come in yet. An inch and a half of snow was enough to keep me from going anywhere. No the summer tires don’t need to be bald to be absolute shit in snow. 

Is the thermometer microwave safe?

Thank you for the extremely hard work you do every day. I’m married to a teacher and I work as an IT person in schools. I literally do not know how teachers put up with as much as they do for as long as they do. You have so much going against you. I’ve had to sit through Coop town voting meetings where half the town

This was the appropriate comment

When I switched from AMD to Nvidia, uninstalling and deleting drivers didn’t do the trick. I had to get more aggressive and download a utility to really delete drivers (DDU I think). So if you switch manufactures and still have issues, consider that approach. It looks like AMD provides a clean uninstaller for their

Can confirm. I made that mistake one time and had a nice expensive paperweight until I upgraded my PSU. 

New England fans are the absolute worst..wait a second wrong article. My bad

He gets a bad rap sometimes. I couldn’t do what he does regardless if I had the money to do so. I certainly don’t have the talent either. Unless I’m in a wide open parking lot, foot of snow, and I’m imaging obstacles to spin around that don’t actually exist. Then him and I are a lot alike 

That poor Escort. We happened to stumble upon that rally while we were lost in the backwoods of NH for my bachelor party. Was bummed we didn’t get to see him.
Anyways..It was a joke man. The nature of his job means he’s going to crash. I highly doubt he one-takes his Gymkhana stunts. I was using crash loosely.

Look at it this way, you probably crash a lot less

Wow. This is fantastic

How is that trolling? Rockstar made a bright beacon on the mini map to attract players to those types of missions. If the original intent of those missions was for you to drive from point A to B safely with maybe the hindrance of some NPC’s, they wouldn’t have your mission broadcast to everyone.

Uh no, how about you start with the parents of children. I can’t tell you how often kids will straight up tell a teacher no and not do what it is they are supposed to do. I have watched parents enable this sort of behavior. How is a teacher supposed to do their job if the parents don’t lay the groundwork?

I just warned the HS I work at as well as other teachers I know. All thanks to this comment