
Oh my. Your first paragraph hits home. One of my old jobs working for a school district: People on one side of the building would complain of the terrible wifi from time to time. I’d go down and check and it would be fine. Updated drivers on all the machines down there. Still complained. Eventually it was traced back

Oh boy..clearly you’ve never been out of the country (assuming US). Went on a vacation to Mexico and that was eye opening. They do not flush anything other than what comes out of your body. The trash bins are filled with used toilet paper. Being on an all inclusive resort in the summer with unlimited booze, you can

Jesus, chill out. have you never had a sunburn on your back? It hurts to get pat there.

Oh god. I hate 101. Almost an irrational hatred for that road. But yea couldn’t agree more

They do not in NH. NH is also vague in how they word the left lane. I also wish they would specify the left lane as a passing lane. Right now it’s worded as “slower traffic must keep to the right lanes unless turning left, overtaking another vehicle, or traveling faster than other vehicles on the right”. Makes it a

Did it come in any color?

Just a reminder of an article written a few weeks ago. May not be Japan, but I think we can agree on the point.

He wanted a shooting-brake but all he got was a sedan

Hahaha the only funny part I remember from that movie

Boy do I have news for you...

Congratulations!! I quit after 11 years on 5/21/2016. Celebrated my 2 years yesterday

Yes Jomez is awesome. Finishing up Nick Hyde coverage right now

Ugh, I’d love to imagine Boston coming out of the 2nd round, but Tampa has almost effectively beaten them to every puck in the last two games. A lot of PP goals for the B’s as well. Tonights game will be interesting

Where does it eat up most of the 5 minutes? Are you sitting there staring at the win 10 icon shortly after you get through the bios? Is it when you are waiting for the login screen to present you with the sign in? Usually it’s a certain phase of start up that really lags and that can help narrow down your issues. From

I think we’ve both learned something here today.

Oof got me on the apostrophe. I was in a rush. It also looks like I was supposed to capitalize the correct form of “Its”.

Then Everything in it’s Right Place obviously

Go play disc golf at Renaissance Golds (ask a local to make sure you play golds, we almost played the shorter layout accidentally) or Hornets Nest. By god two of the most epic courses I’ve played before.

Ah yea that’s better